The Weblog

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ASK FOR SQUASH and other matters


The weather this week is as bad as the political climate. Hopefully, both will change sooner than later as they each make it hard to do what needs to get done. On the farm that means weeding and planting, while we hope to avoid diseases that love these warm, humid conditions.

Meanwhile, please ask for squash this week. It’s too hard to predict yield, but we’ll no doubt have some.

Pea season is over. It was a good one for shell peas, despite the heat. We’ll probably start harvesting the garlic this week to avoid it being continually soaked in the ground. Hopefully, we’ll be able to begin offering it next week.

The mini broccoli is new to me so I don’t know how long we’ll have it. The plant sends up shoots; last week quite a few, this week not so many. As with most items, if we’re sold out you should ask for it in the comment section.

Lettuce is slim this week. It can be hard to coax plants that are subject to so many variables to mature on schedule, but we keep planting away and hope for the best.

Thank you for your orders and, as always, if you have any questions or comments let me know.
