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Peas and more.


You may not be tempted to think about eating, let alone cooking, in this heat, but it’s supposed to be in the 70s on Saturday so try to imagine cooler weather when you order this week.

This is challenging weather for plants as well as people, but the crops are hanging in there so far. Three more days to go! Here’s a partial update.

Peas – Shell peas are abundant and of great quality this year. I picked almost 2 bushels this morning. I’ll pick again for Friday.* If you want peas today or tomorrow just email (or call 878-2063) the amount you want and when you would pick them up (at the farm, no drop off at Union Mill mid-week)). Price is $4/lb. OR $3/lb. for 10 lbs. or more.

Snap peas – These are also doing well and we should have some for Friday as long as they hang in there through the heat.

Squash – This is not cranking out like you think it would in the heat (too hot?) so ask for it and we’ll probably be able to provide some.

Peppers – These are starting to ripen in the greenhouse and are slowly sizing up in the field.

Tomatoes – The greenhouse tomatoes are also beginning to ripen so we should have some of those this week.

Blueberries – The berries are beginning to turn and we’ll be open next Wednesday for u-pick. Hours will be Wed. to Sun. 8 – 5 for the season.

Eggplant – We should be able to begin offering these next week.

Lettuce – This is still recovering from the deer damage so the offering is limited, but we sow every ten days so more is on the way.

Garlic – This looks much better than last year when it grew in mud for much of the spring. Harvest is about a month away.

Onions – Will these be as big and abundant as last year? They look good so far.

Ginger – This is a very slow growing crop, but between the heat and frequent irrigation at least it may think it’s still in Hawaii where the seed plants came from.

I hope everyone is coping with the heat. This, too, shall pass!

Thank you for your orders.
