The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Cucumbers and rain
We got over an inch of rain yesterday which was desperately needed. We can stop irrigating for a week!
Meanwhile, the cucumbers in the hoop house are coming in well and the Sakura cherry tomatoes have begun, though in modest quantity so far. The basil *in the greenhouse is abundant and the first planting of *scallions have started to size up so we can offer those.
If you have a problem ordering or a question about the CSA don’t hesitate to call or email.
Wildlife are active these days. A while ago a fox grabbed one of our chickens. I yelled at it and the fox let her go. The hen was in shock for some time, but recovered. It was the second time it had happened to her! And one morning we watched a bobcat walk along the top of the stone wall that runs by our house.
Then there’s a flock of young turkeys and their mother hen often passing through the field. I give them wide birth, having seen what a hen will do to protect her chicks. It’s intimidating, as are the barn swallows who swoop down on us now to protect their young who are leaving the nest. They stand around on the barn floor looking kind of befuddled before they figure out how to fly.
Thank you for your orders.